EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Day Sat - Con Day 4 - 2014-08-23
Room Panel Room 4 — 30241
Start time 22:30
Duration 04:00
ID 476
Event type Other
Track Games | Social
Language used for presentation English

Games Corner

Come by and play some board or card games with like-minded furs

Do you have a game that you are looking to play? Come bring it to the Games Corner! We provide a space for all sorts of board and card games. Whether it be a Magic: The Gathering, Warhammer 40k or Agricola. All are welcome.

Following on from last year's successful M:TG draft, we intend to rerun it this year with the Conspiracy set. This is being scheduled for Thursday night, starting at 21:00